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「不斷發掘便能尋找故事的更深層次」,在堆肥和土壤健康議題上絕對所言非虛。一項由美國加州大學戴維斯分校土地、空氣及水資源學系進行,為期 19 年之久的研究,成果變印證了這個說法。研究論文的第一作者,是該系博士生 Jessica Chiartas。

Scientists dug roughly 6 feet down to compare soil carbon changes in conventional, cover-cropped and compost-added plots of corn-tomato and wheat-fallow cropping systems. They found that compost is key to storing carbon, a strategy for offsetting carbon dioxide emissions. However, not all compost is made equal as not all food waste is suitable for composting; nor are all food waste machineries going to yield high-quality, agricultural grade composts.

舉個例子,要降解廚餘 — 尤其是以油烹煮過的食物殘渣 — 十分困難,因為過程當中它們不能產生足夠熱力,同時亦釋放難聞氣味,並帶來蟲害問題。另一方面,如果堆肥過熱,有益的微生物或許會因而死亡。有機物料、綠葉及木質材料,降解速度較快,可分解為土壤必須的不同營養素。

When done right, compost can remediate and revive soil that has been contaminated, as well as reduce the use of industrial fertilizer and increase carbon sequestration - it is a game-changer for the agriculture industry! To quote Jessica again, “The soil represents a huge mass of natural resource under our feet. If we're only thinking about farming the surface of it, we're missing an opportunity. Carbon is like a second crop’. And we at ZFPA couldn’t agree more….

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