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零碳足食(亞洲) 中文新聞發佈會

如果您一直在www.zerofoodprintasia.org或 @zerofoodprint.asia 上关注我们,您可能会在两个月前的伊顿工作坊上偷偷看到我们的行业发布会。从那时起,我们就一直忙于制定我们的计划,与农民、顾问会面,带领我们的合作伙伴参观农场,并向业界同行介绍再生农业的重要性。然而,我们仍然没有机会向当地媒体介绍 ZFPA - 这一切在 10 月 20 日的 Mills Fabrica 发生了改变。我们接待了近 60 家中国媒体、农民组织和餐饮业人士,并着手改变当地市场的说法。

在 The Mills Fabrica 主办方的热烈欢迎下,ZFPA 执行董事 Peggy Chan 以她最擅长的方式拉开了会议的序幕--她向大家介绍了食品行业对气候危机的负面影响,同时也对我们作为一个行业如何做得更好提出了希望。她从香港对进口食品的依赖(我们超过 97% 的食品来自进口食品)说起,谈到香港早在 20 世纪 60 年代就种植了三分之二的粮食来养活我们的人民,而我们所吃的 95% 的食品都来自土壤--这为介绍 ZFPA 的使命奠定了基础(不是双关语)。


Peggy discussed the most recent disasters that can be attributed to the ever-changing climate, and how this will become the norm should we continue business as usual. She then further doubled down on how we as a city that imports over 97% of what we eat, that relies on food grown by other countries, are simply ill equipped in the face of climate change. Rising sea levels destabilizing infrastructures will cost governments and businesses billions in reparations.

在 ZFPA,我们意识到自己是多么幸运,身边有许多专家,他们有的是我们的顾问委员会成员,有的是董事会成员,有的是我们的餐厅合作伙伴,正在学习的路上。我们愿意与他们分享每一次谈话和会面,因为我们从他们身上学到了很多东西。在这次发布会上,我们请到了著名美食作家、Island East Market/Capsule 48/Honestly Green 的创始人 Janice Leung Hayes、 Janice Leung Hayes主持小组讨论。小组成员包括土壤专家麦若芬女士(来自 绿色家园, 香港农民的骄傲创始人梁大伟和 莫特 32 餐厅行政总厨李文星。仅供参考--他们没有失手。

Chef Lee spoke about how this is a new concept for him and his team and that he is learning about the importance of regenerative agriculture not just in the future, but NOW. He is excited at the prospect of working with local farmers and meeting some at our launch has only inspired him to do more. Farmer David as always spoke from the heart about the way our agricultural landscape has changed and how farmers here in HK are ageing and there is a vacuum. If we don’t start to look after our soils, and make farming more appealing for the next generation, HK will lose one of its oldest vocations and our reliance on imports will be 100%. Ms. Josephine speaks with so much conviction and knowledge about regenerative agriculture and how these indigenous practices in itself revives soil ecosystems and why this is important for the future of humanity. She spoke from experience in helping farmers shift from conventional/organic practices to regenerative and the benefits of this.


