Astungkara Way 第二階段更新

After a successful first phase of collaboration with Astungkara Way and reNature, we are thrilled to continue supporting this vibrant rice farming community in Bali.

Year one focused on knowledge sharing and demonstrating the benefits of climate-smart farming and complex rice systems. Year two is about scaling things up. Astungkara Way has contacted other local Subaks to join the movement and is running capacity-building sessions to raise awareness and teach new skills.   


在每个水稻周期(4 个月),我们都能看到新老参与农户都取得了巨大进步:

  • 自 2024 年 4 月以来,CRS 已在 6 个 subaks(地区)从 15 个农民试用到现在的 80 个农民。

  • CRS 使农民的投入成本降低了 47%,劳动力成本降低了 15%。

  • 再加上更多样化的收入来源(通过出售鸭子),这意味着采用 CRS 方法的农民在第二个周期的利润比传统农业增加了 63%。

  • 在 3 个周期内,与传统耕作相比,农民的虫害强度平均下降了 43%。这令人吃惊,因为传统农民仍在使用和花钱购买杀虫剂,但这些投入不足以应对气候变化导致的病虫害加剧所带来的影响。

The Astungkara Way team has also been testing out new tools for scaling up. From the map seen below, CRS plots are scattered across the different subaks. These mapped out plots will allow the team to visualize their plan better when reaching out to potential farmers, and will help to improve accuracy and efficiency when it comes to data collection.




